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Vuhledar remains under control of Ukrainian Armed Forces - 72nd Brigade

Vuhledar remains under control of Ukrainian Armed Forces - 72nd Brigade Photo: The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to hold Vuhledar in the Donetsk region under their control on September 26 (Getty Images)

The city of Vuhledar in the Donetsk region remains under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, despite continuous heavy assaults by the Russian army, according to the Telegram channel of the 72nd Mechanized Brigade named after the Black Zaporozhians.

"We, the soldiers of the 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade, want to dispel all doubts and the opinions of pseudo-experts claiming that the 72nd Brigade has withdrawn from the city of Vuhledar," the soldier said.

Currently, despite heavy assaults and challenging circumstances, the soldiers remain in place, he added.

Situation around Vuhledar

The situation near Vuhledar has become quite critical. According to British intelligence, Russian forces are pressuring Vuhledar in the Donetsk region from three sides. Likely, the situation will not change over the next week.

On September 25, Forbes reported that last week, when Russian forces threatened the city's flanks, the 72nd Mechanized Brigade, consisting of 2,000 soldiers equipped with T-64 tanks, BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles, and M-109 howitzers, allegedly "began quietly retreating to more defensible positions." In a comment to RBC-Ukraine, one of the analysts claimed that Ukraine had "gradually withdrawn its forces" from the city.

For more details on the situation in Vuhledar, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.