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Vice President for Harris: Who Tim Walz is and what he says about Ukraine

Vice President for Harris: Who Tim Walz is and what he says about Ukraine Tim Walz (photo: Getty Images)

The Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has announced her choice for vice president. It is Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

To learn more about who Tim Walz is and his position on Ukraine, read the RBC-Ukraine material.


Tim Walz - Kamala Harris elects US Vice Presidential candidate

The Vice President is the second most important official in the executive branch of the federal government of the United States. The President and his "Vice" are elected together through an indirect election system.

Typically, a candidate is chosen to appeal to additional electoral sectors. Based on this principle, four years ago, Kamala Harris became Joe Biden’s Vice President to gain the support of women, African Americans, and other "non-white" voters.

However, there are exceptions. For instance, in the current election race, Republican candidate Donald Trump selected Senator J.D. Vance as his vice-presidential nominee. Vance generally supports Trump’s rhetoric but is more radical on several issues, which makes Trump appear as a more moderate politician in comparison.

Tim Walz was not considered a favorite among the other potential running mates for Kamala Harris.

The main contender for the vice presidency for Harris was Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro. However, his candidacy faced serious opposition from the far-left wing of the Democratic Party, which is pro-Palestinian. Shapiro, a practicing Jew, fully supports Israel in its fight against Hamas terrorists.

Walz is a less prominent politician and has lower name recognition overall across the US. However, Axios notes that Walz could enhance Harris’s appeal among rural voters, particularly in the so-called Blue Wall states (the Pacific coast and northern US), which were crucial for Joe Biden's victory in 2020.

From teacher to governor

Tim Walz is 60 years old, married, and has two children. He was born in Nebraska, in the northern part of the US. At 17, he joined the US Army National Guard, serving for over two decades both domestically and abroad. After his discharge, he worked as a high school teacher and football coach.

In 2006, Walz was elected to the US House of Representatives and was re-elected four times, representing the southern, predominantly agricultural part of his state.

Since 2018, he has been the Governor of Minnesota. Among his achievements, Walz takes pride in providing free school meals and expanding paid leave.

Minnesota has not voted for Republicans in presidential elections since 1972, but this state, which traditionally falls within the Blue Wall of Democrats, is at the top of the list of states where Trump would like to win in this election.

What Walz says about Ukraine

Tim Walz is considered a consistent supporter of aid to Ukraine. At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Walz signed a law requiring the state of Minnesota to cease doing business with Russia or Belarus.

Walz communicated with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in April 2023 during a collective video call with American governors, which he organized as the head of the National Governors Association.

In February of this year, Tim Walz and Ukrainian Ambassador to the US Oksana Markarova signed a memorandum of understanding regarding cooperation between the state of Minnesota and the Chernihiv region in the agricultural sector. Among other things, the document includes plans for the reconstruction and recovery of the Chernihiv region's economy.

During the meeting, Walz expressed continued support for Ukraine. He asserted that the claims of having turned away from Ukraine or NATO allies were unfounded. He emphasized that these views were not held by their constituents, who understood the critical importance of democracy, and affirmed that "people in Minnesota understand this."

It is worth noting that Kamala Harris has become the official Democratic candidate for US President, with 99% of party delegates voting for her candidacy.

Sources: biographical information about Tim Walz from public sources, statements by the politician, and reports from Axios and CNN.