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US vice-presidential candidate addresses Ukraine war in new statement

US vice-presidential candidate addresses Ukraine war in new statement Photo: US Senator J.D. Vance (Getty Images)

Republican vice-presidential candidate Senator J.D. Vance made a new statement regarding the war in Ukraine. He commented on territorial concessions in his remarks during a broadcast on News Nation.

According to him, the administration of presidential candidate Donald Trump will seek to end the war in Ukraine and warned that the longer the conflict continues, "the worse it risks becoming a nuclear war."

"What’s in the best interest of America, and what I believe is in the best interest of Ukraine and Russia, is for the killing to stop," he said.

Vance believes that Trump’s leadership will help facilitate a peaceful resolution.

"We don’t have to like Russia, we don’t have to agree with them invading, but we’ve got to get them together and engage in some real diplomacy," the politician noted.

Vance also commented on whether Ukraine would have to concede part of the territory occupied by Russia.

"I honestly think that the Ukrainians are going to have to make that decision themselves," Vance said.

Vance's statements on the war in Ukraine

Republican vice-presidential candidate Senator J.D. Vance is known for promoting "peaceful" trends and a negotiation process to resolve the war in Ukraine.

Earlier, Vance stated the necessity of advancing an "reasonable peace" for Ukraine. Furthermore, according to Vance, Donald Trump's plan for ending the war in Ukraine may involve the establishment of a "demilitarized zone."

This zone would cover the Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia, while Ukraine would need to refrain from joining NATO during this time.