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US to contact Ukraine to discuss situation in Kursk region - White House

US to contact Ukraine to discuss situation in Kursk region - White House Photo: John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the White House National Security Council (Getty Images)

The United States plans to discuss with Ukraine rumors about a breakthrough at the border and battles in the Kursk region, states John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the White House National Security Council.

During a conversation with journalists, Kirby emphasized that the US has not changed its policy regarding the use of American weapons on Russian territory. They can only be used "to target imminent threats just across the border."

He added that US officials will "be reaching out to our Ukrainian counterparts to get a little better understanding."

What preceded

Yesterday, August 6, reports began circulating online that Ukrainian forces had allegedly entered the Kursk region. A significant number of news reports were about "fighting" in the Sudzha district.

Following this, the Federal Security Service of Russia (FSB) and the Russian Ministry of Defense began discussing this "border breach." Specifically, the Ministry of Defense started reporting on the destruction of Ukrainian tanks and armored vehicles.

As of now, there have been no official comments from the Ukrainian side regarding the situation in the Kursk region.

Today, August 7, RBC-Ukraine sources reported that the Security Service of Ukraine shot down an Mi-28 helicopter over the Kursk region. It was attacked using an FPV drone.

There are also rumors circulating online today that fighting is currently taking place for the city of Sudzha, which is located nine kilometers from the border. The settlement contains several important facilities for Russia. More details are available in the RBC-Ukraine material.