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US not seeking war with Russia, but will defend every inch of NATO territory - Austin

US not seeking war with Russia, but will defend every inch of NATO territory - Austin Photo: Lloyd Austin, Pentagon chief (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The US does not want to initiate a war with Russia. However, it will fulfill its obligations to other NATO countries, stated Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin during a meeting with Ukrainian students.

He assured that US President Joe Biden has chosen the path of mutual responsibility and collective security. Therefore, the US has decided to share the responsibility of ensuring that Ukraine remains sovereign and free.

According to Austin, the US does not seek war with Russia. Even if Putin creates threats of nuclear war, the US will continue to treat it with the responsibility that the world rightly expects from a nuclear power, Austin emphasized.

He assured that the US will defend every inch of NATO territory and will provide Ukraine with the necessary assistance to fight for its survival and security.

Threats from Russia

Russia has repeatedly threatened Western countries for their support of Ukraine in the war.

Recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced changes to Russia's nuclear doctrine, outlining new conditions under which Russia might use nuclear weapons.

Read more about this in the material by RBC-Ukraine.