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US military aid package for Ukraine, first Ukrainian medal at Olympic Games 2024 - Monday brief

US military aid package for Ukraine, first Ukrainian medal at Olympic Games 2024  - Monday brief Collage by RBC-Ukraine

On Monday, July 29, several partner countries announced aid for Ukraine. Meanwhile, Ukrainian saber fencer Olga Kharlan won the first medal for Ukraine at this year's Olympic Games in Paris.

RBС-Ukraine has collected the main news for July 29.

Russia's war against Ukraine: Latest

US announces new aid package for Ukraine, including HIMARS ammunition

The United States has announced the transfer of weapons to Ukraine as part of two military aid packages. Among other things, Kyiv will receive missiles for the HIMARS multiple-launch rocket system.

According to the White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby, the package includes air defense equipment, HIMARS missiles, mortar shells, and Javelin man-portable anti-tank systems.

Fencer Olga Kharlan secures Ukraine's first medal at 2024 Olympic Games

Ukrainian fencer Olga Kharlan won a bronze medal in the individual women's saber fencing competition, defeating South Korean fencer Choi Sebin in the consolation final.

On her way to the award, the Ukrainian fencer defeated Japan's Fukushima, Azerbaijan's Bashta, and Hungary's Márton. In the semifinals, Harlan lost to the competition's host, Balzer (7:15).

This medal was Ukraine's first at this year's Games. For Kharlan personally, it was her fifth Olympic medal. She won gold in team sabre (2008), silver in the same discipline (2012), and bronze in individual sabre (2012, 2016).

Germany and Denmark deliver eight more Leopard 1A5 tanks to Ukraine

Germany, together with Denmark, transferred eight more Leopard 1A5 battle tanks to Ukraine as part of military aid, according to the German government's website.

According to the list of military aid provided, as of July 29, Ukraine received 58 Leopard 1A5 tanks from Germany, whereas there were previously 50.

The Ukrainian military also received 21,000 rounds of ammunition for Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and two Bergepanzer 2 armored repair and recovery vehicles with spare parts.

Slovak Prime Minister threatens to stop diesel fuel supplies to Ukraine due to disruptions in Lukoil oil transit

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico met today with Ukrainian Ambassador Myroslav Kastran. During the conversation, he threatened Ukraine with consequences if Kyiv did not restore the oil transit of Russian Lukoil.

During his address, the Slovak Prime Minister mentioned that he discussed the issue of Lukoil supplies with the Ukrainian ambassador. The meeting was also attended by Foreign Minister Juraj Blanár and State Secretary Marek Eštok.

"If the transit of Russian oil through Ukraine is not restored soon, Slovnaft will not continue supplying diesel fuel to Ukraine, which covers one-tenth of Ukrainian consumption," he said.