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US discusses allowing Ukraine long-range strikes on Russia with American weapons

US discusses allowing Ukraine long-range strikes on Russia with American weapons Photo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and US President Joe Biden (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The United States and Ukraine are discussing the permission to use American long-range weapons to strike the territory of Russia, stated Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Smith.

He stated that the United States will continue to adjust the security agreement that was concluded with Ukraine.

According to him, security assistance and guidance provided based on the operational and strategic needs of Ukraine will be adjusted and adapted.

Strikes on Russian territory

In May, the White House allowed Ukraine to target military objects in Russia, but with certain restrictions. However, deep strikes into Russian territory are still not permitted by the United States. Ukraine can target Russian troops, positions, and launch installations along its border.

At the same time, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on the United States to allow Ukraine to destroy Russian aviation within Russia's territory, stating that it would help protect Ukrainian cities from attacks with guided bombs.