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US currently works on lifting ban on strikes by Ukrainian army deep into Russia - Biden

US currently works on lifting ban on strikes by Ukrainian army deep into Russia - Biden US President Joe Biden (photo: Getty Images)

US President Joe Biden stated that the US is working on a potential lifting of the ban on Ukraine using American weapons for long-range strikes on Russian territory. This matter is currently under consideration, according to a tweet from American correspondent Alex Raufoglu.

The US President made this statement in response to questions from the media about whether he would lift restrictions on Ukraine's use of long-range weapons.

In his response, President Biden affirmed that Washington is currently considering the possible removal of the taboo.

"Biden: "We're working that out right now," the American president was quoted by the Washington correspondent on social media.

US currently works on lifting ban on strikes by Ukrainian army deep into Russia - Biden

Biden stated that the US is working on lifting the taboo for Ukraine on strikes deep into Russian territory (photo: screenshot

Issue of US permission for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to strike Russian territory

The US, the UK, and France have provided Ukraine with long-range weapons on the condition that they not be used for strikes on Russian territory. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has repeatedly called for the lifting of these restrictions for strikes on Russian airbases, but allies have so far refused, complicating efforts to eliminate the carriers of guided bombs targeting civilian objects.

Recently, White House representative John Kirby revealed that Washington continues private negotiations with Ukraine on this issue.

Additionally, according to Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin, Russia has moved its tactical aviation beyond the range of ATACMS missiles.

On September 10, it was announced that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and British Foreign Secretary David Lamy would visit Ukraine. During this visit, Blinken stated that on September 13, President Biden will meet with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer. One of the topics of their meeting will be granting the Ukrainian Armed Forces permission to carry out strikes deep into Russia.

Furthermore, media reports suggest that Blinken may announce during his visit to Kyiv the approval for Ukrainian forces to strike Russian territory with long-range weapons.

On September 10, Blinken also mentioned that President Biden does not rule out the possibility of Ukraine launching missiles deep into Russian territory.