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US conducts secret investigation into possible bribery of Trump by Egypt: WP reveals details

US conducts secret investigation into possible bribery of Trump by Egypt: WP reveals details Photo: Former US President Donald Trump (Getty Images)

In the US, a private investigation was conducted regarding a possible bribery of former President Donald Trump. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi allegedly tried to offer Trump $10 million in 2016, The Washington Post informs.

In 2017, the US began an investigation based on intelligence that suggested Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi attempted to provide Donald Trump with $10 million to bolster his presidential campaign.

Trump himself invested a similar amount into his campaign in the final days before the election.

By early 2019, the US Department of Justice learned of a secret letter from an organization linked to Egyptian intelligence to the National Bank of Egypt, requesting the withdrawal of the same amount in cash.

The department started investigating whether Trump had received money from Egypt, which could have violated federal laws prohibiting foreign funding for presidential candidates.

However, according to the report, senior DOJ officials prevented prosecutors and FBI agents from obtaining bank documents that could have contained important evidence in the case.

By the fall of 2019, then-Attorney General William Barr expressed doubts about the sufficiency of evidence to continue the investigation into Trump and hinted at possible bias among investigators. The case was ultimately closed in June 2020 due to a lack of sufficient evidence. The statute of limitations for filing charges expired in January 2022.

The three-year investigation into the transfer of funds from Egypt to Trump's campaign had not been publicly known until now. Only once, in 2020, was there a mention of an Egyptian bank allegedly involved in funding the former US president's campaign.

Trump's campaign dismissed the accusations, calling the story a "textbook Fake News."

It should be noted that Trump is currently one of the main contenders for the presidency. He will run as the Republican candidate, while the Democratic candidate will be US Vice President Kamala Harris.

Today, Democrats officially nominated Harris as their candidate for President of the United States.

We also reported that recently Trump was involved in a racist scandal. He accused Harris of using her skin color for political purposes.