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US and UK provide Ukraine with satellite images of Kursk region before offensive - NYT

US and UK provide Ukraine with satellite images of Kursk region before offensive - NYT The Armed Forces of Ukraine may have received satellite images of the Kursk region from the US and UK (photo: Getty Images)

Ukraine received satellite images and other intelligence concerning Russia's Kursk region from the US and the UK shortly before launching its operation there. However, these resources were not provided to assist Kyiv in advancing deeper into the Russian territory, reports The New York Times.

American officials told the publication that the satellite images and intelligence on Russia's Kursk region were provided by the US and the UK to allow Ukraine's military command to better monitor Russian reinforcements that could launch attacks.

According to some US officials, the more territory Ukraine attempts to control along Russia’s western border, the greater the risk of overextending the supply lines and air defense umbrella of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

US officials also informed the NYT that the buildup of Ukrainian forces in the Kursk region potentially creates vulnerabilities along the front lines in eastern Ukraine, particularly in the Donbas, where the Defense Forces are facing intense Russian assaults.

"Ukraine has expanded the front line, which carries a certain risk in that it requires more personnel and equipment to hold that line — which in turn might deplete some other part of the front or, more likely, reduce their available reserves," said James Rands, an analyst with the British security intelligence firm Janes.

At the same time, US military officials noted that Ukraine's offensive in the Kursk region had demonstrated its ability to conduct combined arms maneuvers, referring to synchronized attacks involving infantry, armored vehicles, and artillery, according to the NYT.

Offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region

Since August 6, Ukrainian forces have been conducting an operation in Russia's Kursk region. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have taken control of over 90 settlements in the area, significantly boosting their exchange pool.

On August 25, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that the actions of the Ukrainian military in the Kursk region are part of a larger military-diplomatic operation.

Additionally, there have been reports that a portion of Russian troops in the Kursk region could find themselves encircled in one of the combat zones.