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Ukrainians' opinion on possible negotiations with Russia: Sociologists' findings

Ukrainians' opinion on possible negotiations with Russia: Sociologists' findings Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Ukrainians are open to negotiations with Russia under certain conditions. However, only one in five believes that such talks are possible right now, according to a poll conducted by the Democratic Initiatives Foundation and the Razumkov Center.

Around a third of Ukrainians (32.4%) believe that negotiations with Russia to end the war can only begin after all Ukrainian territories are liberated.

Another 18.7% stated that peace talks with Russia are possible now, but only with an intent to free prisoners and hostages.

Only 19.8% believe that peace negotiations are possible even at this moment.

Meanwhile, 17.9% are convinced that peace talks with Russia are entirely impossible.

There are regional differences in attitudes towards the conditions for negotiations. For example, readiness for talks without specific preconditions is most often noted in the South (36%) and East (27%), while in the West and Center, this figure is 15%. At the same time, skepticism about the possibility of reaching any agreement with Russia, not only now but in general, is more prevalent in the West (21%) and less so in the South (13%).

The poll by the Democratic Initiatives Foundation and the Razumkov Center was conducted from August 8 to 15, 2024, among 2,017 respondents in government-controlled areas where no active hostilities are taking place. The theoretical margin of error does not exceed 2.3%.

Recent surveys indicate a growing number of Ukrainians willing to negotiate with Russia to end the war. However, the primary demand remains the liberation of all Ukrainian territories from occupation.

At the same time, about half of Ukrainians (47%) are concerned that the United States might negotiate a peace deal with Russia without the participation of the Ukrainian government.