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Ukrainian Navy showcases burning out of Russian positions

Ukrainian Navy showcases burning out of Russian positions Illustrative photo: Ukrainian armed forces attack Russians with drones (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian defenders continue to destroy the Russian occupiers at the frontline. In particular, they are scorching Russian positions with drones, according to the Ukrainian Navy.

"The Navy units are filigree burning Russian evil spirits from the Ukrainian land," the Ukrainian Navy says in a statement.

At the same time, a video released by the Ukrainian military shows Ukrainian defenders throwing incendiary mixtures at the Russians.


In early September, Western media reported that Ukrainian defenders had begun using dragon drones at the front, which pour combustible mixture onto Russian positions.

According to Bild, Ukraine considered the idea of using drones to deliver fuel mixtures back in 2023. However, the first videos of such drones have only just begun to appear.

The news agency noted that a video of the use of a combustible mixture using a drone was published by the 108th separate Territorial Defense Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Nicholas Drummond, a defense industry analyst specializing in ground warfare and a former UK army officer, told CNN that the use of such drones has a psychological rather than a physical effect.

But, as the analyst added, the Russians have another reason to fear Ukrainian drones.