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Ukrainian Navy reported number of Russian missile carriers located in Black Sea today

Ukrainian Navy reported number of Russian missile carriers located in Black Sea today Russian ship at sea (photo:

Russia continues to keep its ships in the Black Sea, including carriers of Kalibr cruise missiles, according to the morning report of the Ukrainian Navy.

As of 06:00 on September 28, three enemy ships have been detected in the Black Sea. Two of these are carriers of Kalibr missiles, with a total strike capacity of up to 8 missiles.

In the Sea of Azov, there are no enemy ships present. However, another Kalibr cruise missile carrier is located in the Mediterranean Sea, capable of launching a maximum of 16 missiles.

Additionally, the military reported that within the past day, the following vessels passed through the Kerch Strait in favor of Russia:

  • to the Black Sea - 7 vessels, of which 6 continued towards the Bosporus Strait;
  • to the Sea of Azov - 7 vessels, with 2 coming from the Bosporus Strait.

On the previous day, the military reported the same number of enemy ships in the seas: three in the Black Sea (two of which are carriers of Kalibr cruise missiles with a potential strike capacity of up to 8 missiles) and one missile carrier in the Mediterranean Sea, capable of launching up to 16 Kalibr missiles.