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Ukrainian Navy explains significance of Kinburn Spit

Ukrainian Navy explains significance of Kinburn Spit Ukrainian Navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk (photo:

From the temporarily occupied Kinburn Spit, Russian forces continue to shell the southern regions of Mykolaiv and Kherson regions. Additionally, from this location, the enemy can target vessels that might potentially enter the Dnieper–Bug estuary, states the spokesperson for the Ukrainian Navy, Dmytro Pletenchuk.

A representative from the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted that the area is a route to the seaports of Mykolaiv.

"Moreover, this area still needs to be surveyed for mine safety," Pletenchuk pointed out, explaining that the Dnipro River flows into this section from the Kherson region.

"And, accordingly, after the destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station by the Russian army, a significant number of explosive objects could have entered this area," he added.

Pletenchuk emphasized that the Dnipro-Buh Liman area is important for both Ukraine and the enemy.

"Unfortunately, at present, it is being shelled from the Kinburn Spit," he explained.

The Navy spokesperson also noted that from the Kinburn Spit, the Russian forces could also target Mykolaiv and other cities, and the Defense Forces periodically conduct retaliatory strikes in response to such enemy attacks.

Situation at Kinburn Spit

The Kinburn Spit remains the only area in the Mykolaiv region still under Russian occupation. Periodic combat has occurred there.

At the beginning of 2023, the Southern Defense Forces of Ukraine reported that neither side had absolute control over the Kinburn Spit. Later, the Ukrainian Armed Forces indicated that they had significantly pushed back the Russian forces in this area and there was no evidence of a stable Russian presence there.

Recently, in August, special forces of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) conducted a raid on the Kinburn Spit. During this operation, reconnaissance troops destroyed several pieces of enemy armored equipment and dozens of Russian soldiers.

Additionally, Ukrainian forces raised a Defense Intelligence combat flag near the Russian fortifications at the Monument to Suvorov position, and later, the Ukrainian flag was also installed on the temporarily occupied Kinburn Spit.

On August 13, Ukraine's intelligence released footage from the operation on the Kinburn Spit, revealing the destruction of BMPs, enemy personnel, and other equipment.