Ukrainian Ministry of Defense authorized operation of 9 ground robots

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has codified and put into operation in the Armed Forces of Ukraine nine ground robotic complexes of Ukrainian production since the beginning of the year, according to the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
"The role of unmanned systems on the battlefield is increasing; today, they perform a wide range of tasks, gradually minimizing human presence on the front line. Many domestic manufacturers are currently focused on producing robotic systems to enhance the capabilities of the Armed Forces," said Colonel Volodymyr Rochniak, head of the department at the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
According to him, the codified unmanned platforms are designed to perform various tasks on the battlefield. Some serve as carriers of armament systems, including machine guns of various calibers. These combat robots allow our soldiers to remotely fire at the enemy from cover, protecting them from injuries and death.
Among the codified unmanned ground complexes this year are robots for evacuating the wounded from the battlefield, performing logistical tasks, mine clearance, and demining.
It is noted that the codification and subsequent approval of a sample of weaponry and military equipment of domestic production for operation with the assignment of a NATO nomenclature number allows for the purchase of this weaponry at the expense of the state budget for units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Robots in the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Ukrainian military have recently been using ground robots to carry out combat tasks.
In April, Ukrainian defenders were able to plant an explosive device on Russian positions and eliminate them with the help of a ground robot, using a ground robot with the call sign Dynamo.
Earlier, Ukrainian military demonstrated the use of automated robotic systems on the front lines. Thanks to such a complex, ammunition was delivered to the positions.
It was also reported in the Armed Forces of Ukraine that they are testing the universal ground robot SIRKO on the front lines, which helps fighters transport cargo, evacuate the wounded, and conduct reconnaissance of enemy positions.