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Ukrainian intelligence hackers attacked Russian defense-linked IPL Consulting company

Ukrainian intelligence hackers attacked Russian defense-linked IPL Consulting company Photo: Ukrainian intelligence hackers attacked the IPL Consulting company, which worked in the interests of the Russian defense industry (

Cyber specialists from the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine have dismantled the entire IT infrastructure of the company IPL Consulting, which operated in the interests of the Russian defense industry complex, informs the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine.

The company specialized in implementing information systems in the Russian industrial sector. It presented itself as one of the most modern enterprises in the terrorist country, providing assistance in implementing information systems to institutions involved in the design, production of automotive and aviation components, heavy machinery manufacturing, equipment, and instrument production, particularly in the interests of the Russian defense industry complex.

"Experts from the Main Intelligence Directorate carried out a destructive attack against IPL Consulting, infiltrating the company's internal network and dismantling its entire IT infrastructure, exceeding 60 terabytes, dozens of servers, and databases," the press service reports.

The cost of the lost digital data array is currently being assessed. Meanwhile, under the conditions of sanctions pressure, the inflicted damages are highly painful for the adversary.

"Moreover, dozens of Russian companies working in the defense sector of the aggressor state will also be affected," adds the Main Intelligence Directorate.

Other cyber attacks

On December 31, 2023, the Ukrainian IT Army delivered a "New Year's gift" to the Russians by disrupting the operation of the Evotor payment terminals.

Additionally, Ukrainian hackers obtained 200 gigabytes of data on thousands of organizations in Russia. This achievement was the result of their work over the past six months.

According to RBC-Ukraine, the hacking group Blackjack breached a Russian state enterprise responsible for constructing military facilities across the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The hackers stole documentation for 500 objects belonging to the Russian Ministry of Defense.