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Ukrainian General Staff explains specifics of Ryzhivka village in Sumy region

Ukrainian General Staff explains specifics of Ryzhivka village in Sumy region Photo: illustration image (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Due to the specific location, Russian saboteurs can sometimes operate near the village of Ryzhivka, Sumy region. However, the Ukrainian Defense Forces are taking counter-sabotage measures, says Andrii Kovaliov, spokesperson for the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Situation in Ryzhivka

Currently, the situation in the village is under control, and the allegations of the presence of Russian troops in the village are not true. Ryzhivka is controlled by Ukraine.

Yesterday, on June 9, a Russian flag allegedly appeared on one of the buildings, which the Russians had previously mined.

"That's why we used drones and the latest technologies to clear the mine and shoot down this rag. There is no more Russian rag in Ryzhivka. The information that some Russian troops allegedly entered Ryzhivka is not true. Checks and clarifications are underway,” Kovaliov adds.

Ryzhivka specifics

The village is located on the state border. Opposite it is the notorious Russian village of Tiotkino. Ryzhivka is separated from the territory of Ukraine by the Seim River and forests. This sometimes allows Russian saboteurs to operate in the area. At the same time, the Ukrainian Defense Forces are taking counter-sabotage measures.

In particular, the evacuation of the population is also taking place in the strip.

"This (evacuation - ed.) is being carried out along the entire line of the state border with Russia. Ukraine controls the border, especially the border in Sumy region. There is no reason to panic. And all the statements of the Russian occupiers, all the videos they are spreading, allegedly saying that this is Ryzhivka, are just an attempt to undermine the peace of citizens, to sow panic, and allegedly declare the presence of Russian troops there. This is not true,” adds the Ukrainian General Staff spokesperson.

Sumy Regional Military Administration's statement

The head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration, Volodymyr Artiukh, also confirmed the information about the control of the Ukrainian Defense Forces over Ryzhivka. The information spread by Russians is untrue and is an element of stabilizing the situation in the region.

Russian fake news about occupation of Ryzhivka

Yesterday, on June 9, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov claimed that he had allegedly occupied the village of Ryzhivka, but this is not true. DeepState stated that the village is in the gray zone. The information was also denied by the head of the Center for Countering Disinformation, Andrii Kovalenko.

According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Russians were trying to conduct a propaganda operation. As of the morning of June 10, Ukrainian soldiers destroyed the Russian flag in the village.