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Ukrainian Foreign Minister shares details of operation in Kursk region with EU diplomacy chief

Ukrainian Foreign Minister shares details of operation in Kursk region with EU diplomacy chief Photo: Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba held a conversation with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell and informed him about the events in the Kursk region, The Ukrainian Foreign Minister shared this information on his Twitter (X).

According to Kuleba, they discussed steps aimed at expanding cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union in the supply and production of weapons.

"I also informed Josep about the details of Ukraine’s operation in the Kursk region," Kuleba wrote.

Updated at 09 p.m.

Borrell also tweeted about his conversation with Kuleba. According to Borrell, they discussed recent events on the front lines and the Kursk counteroffensive.

"I reiterated the EU full support to the UA people’s fight. Putin hasn’t managed to break UA resistance against his unjustified invasion & is pushed now to withdraw inside RU territory," wrote Borrell.

Operation in the Kursk region

Since Tuesday, August 6, an operation by the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been ongoing in the Kursk region. This was officially confirmed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Monday, August 12.

According to Russian statements, Russia has lost control over 28 settlements in the region. However, the DeepState project reports that Russia does not control 44 settlements in the Kursk region.

Today, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi, announced that Ukraine has managed to take control of 74 settlements in the Kursk region.

For more details on the events in the Kursk region, see the RBC-Ukraine report.