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Ukraine controls 74 settlements in Kursk region - Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces

Ukraine controls 74 settlements in Kursk region - Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces Photo: Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi and President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine managed to take control of 74 settlements in the Kursk region. The advance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces continues, according to the report of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The head of the Ukrainian state said that he is in constant contact with Syrskyi. The General reports on the situation at the front and the Ukrainian operation in the Kursk region.

As Syrskyi informed Zelenskyy, Ukrainian defenders were able to advance between 1 and 3 kilometers in the Kursk region today. They have taken control of an area of 40 square kilometers.

"Today, 74 settlements are under our control. Fighting is ongoing along the entire front line. Despite the high intensity of combat, the situation is under control. We continue with the operation," said the Commander-in-Chief.

The President, in turn, thanked the Ukrainian military for replenishing the exchange fund, as it will facilitate prisoner exchanges.

Operation in the Kursk region

Only yesterday, on August 12, did Ukraine officially confirm that its soldiers had entered the territory of the Kursk region. This was announced by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy following the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

The operation in the Russian region began more than a week ago.

Yesterday, the acting Governor of the Kursk region, Alexei Smirnov, reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin that Russia had lost control over 28 settlements in the region.

Following this, the DeepState project reported that 44 settlements in the Kursk region were under the control of the Ukrainian army.

For more details on the events in the Kursk region, see the material by RBC-Ukraine.