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Ukrainian Foreign Minister held talks with Blinken and foreign ministers of several countries

Ukrainian Foreign Minister held talks with Blinken and foreign ministers of several countries Andrii Sybiha, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The newly appointed Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha held talks with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, as well as with his counterparts from Czechia, Romania, Poland, Moldova, and Türkiye, according to his Twitter (X) post.

Conversation with Blinken

According to Sybiha, during the excellent phone call with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on September 6, the strategic partnership between the two countries was reaffirmed.

“We discussed ways to speed up military aid, advance the Peace Formula, and tighten sanctions against Russia,” the Ukrainian Foreign Minister reported.

Sybiha also expressed to Blinken his eagerness to work closely to protect the shared values of our nations.

Conversation with the Romanian Foreign Minister

As noted by the Ukrainian minister on social media platform X, he discussed with Romanian Foreign Minister Luminița-Teodora Odobescu the ways to develop our good-neighborly relations.

"Priorities: just and lasting peace for Ukraine, EU and NATO accession, strategic partnership," Sybiha said.

He also thanked Romania for its decision to provide Ukraine with the Patriot air defense system.

Conversation with the Czech Foreign Minister

"I spoke with Jan Lipavský to thank Czechia for its support, most notably the ammunition initiative," the minister wrote.

The parties also discussed ways to develop defense cooperation, including purchasing weaponry from Ukrainian manufacturers.

Additionally, they discussed joint efforts on the Peace Formula previously presented by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Conversation with the Turkish Foreign Minister

Sybiha discussed with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan strengthening strategic ties between Ukraine and Türkiye, implementing the Peace Formula, and ensuring security in the Black Sea region.

The ministers also coordinated positions ahead of the United Nations General Assembly and focused on developing our political dialogue.

Conversation with the Moldovan Foreign Minister

During the conversation with Moldovan Foreign Minister Mihai Popșoi, Sybiha expressed gratitude for Chisinau's solidarity and support.

“We discussed ways to strengthen good-neighborly relations and cooperation on the joint EU accession agenda. We agreed to maintain close dialogue,” Sybiha said.

Conversation with the Polish Foreign Minister

On Friday morning, Sybiha conducted his first conversation as Ukraine’s Foreign Minister with Polish counterpart Radosław Sikorski.

Sybiha noted that the conversation reaffirmed the Ukrainian-Polish strategic partnership and good-neighborly relations.

On September 5, the Verkhovna Rada appointed Andrii Sybiha as Foreign Minister, replacing Dmytro Kuleba as part of a major Cabinet reshuffle.