Ukrainian forces use drones with FAB-250 for attacks on Russia

Ukrainian forces use drones with FAB-250 bombs for attacks on Russia. In particular, such drones were used to attack the Druzhba oil pipeline station near Novozybkov, Defense Express reports.
The unique aspect of this attack on the Russian oil pumping station was the unusual weapon system used for the operation, as reported by OSINT analysts.
They claim that the Russian station near Novozybkov was hit with 250-kilogram FAB-250 M-54 bombs dropped from drones.
Defense Express analysts note that Ukrainian strike drones are capable of carrying and deploying 250 kg bombs, referencing an incident where a Ukrainian drone unit used these munitions to strike targets in Russia's Bryansk region.
“The type of UAV is not shown, but this can hardly be a surprise to the enemy,” analysts say.
What is known about these UAVs
The drones involved are described as reusable rather than kamikaze-type, with the ability to return to base and be reloaded for new missions after releasing the bombs. The accuracy of the bombing is managed by an optical targeting system.
The analysts also note that Ukraine has long been using drones equipped with full-scale FAB bombs for strikes.
As an example, the publication cites a case dating back to April 2024. At that time, a photo appeared with a Swift version of the SkyRanger light aircraft, converted into a strike drone with a similar bomb and holder. However, at that time the drone was equipped with a FAB-100, not a FAB-250.
In the Bryansk region of Russia, a distribution station of the Druzhba oil pipeline was attacked on the night of January 30. A fire broke out there.