Ukrainian forces disclose number of Russians storming Bakhmut direction
In the Bakhmut direction, there are currently around 62,000 Russian troops, and their number is not decreasing, states the Public Relations Chief of the Ground Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Volodymyr Fitio.
According to him, the Russians are attempting to advance toward Chasiv Yar, while Ukrainian forces are actively defending. Specifically, six enemy attacks were repelled there on the last day.
Additionally, the Russian Federation is attempting to advance in the areas of Bohdanivka, Ivanivka, Klishchiivka, and Andriivka. Over the past day in these areas, Russian occupiers deployed 19 kamikaze drones and conducted 344 shelling incidents on Ukrainian positions.
"In the Bakhmut direction, the enemy is attempting to exert pressure. We see the presence of Russian airborne units, marine infantry units, assault units Z and V, which are formed from former prisoners," says Fitio.
Losses of Russia in the war against Ukraine
According to data from the General Staff of the Armed Forces, during the past day on December 17, Ukrainian soldiers eliminated another 1,090 occupiers. Since the start of the full-scale invasion, Russia has lost 347,160 military personnel.
In the Tavria direction, our soldiers, among them, destroyed 491 Russian terrorists. Specifically, six were captured.