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Ukrainian defenders launch series of strikes on Russian positions in Kramatorsk area

Ukrainian defenders launch series of strikes on Russian positions in Kramatorsk area Photo: Ukrainian ground troops destroyed the Russian occupiers (illustrative photo by GettyImages)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine conducted a series of successful strikes on Russia's equipment and manpower in the East and shared it online.

The video shows the coordinated combat work of UAV operators of the 56th separate Mariupol infantry brigade in the Kramatorsk sector.

"Russia has an advantage in the number of personnel, weapons, and equipment. However, Ukrainian soldiers are using technology, skill, training, and experience to make the occupiers feel like hell," the statement says.

Ukrainian defenders destroying Russian invaders

Today, Ukrainian border guards destroyed a Russian drone from the air in the Bakhmut sector.

Ukrainian defenders also launched a series of devastating attacks on Russian equipment and personnel.