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Ukrainian counteroffensive: What influences the pace of advancement

Ukrainian counteroffensive: What influences the pace of advancement The DIU told what affects the pace of advance of Ukrainian troops (Photo: Gov ua)

The pace of advancement of Ukrainian forces on the front is influenced, among other things, by extensive minefields and fortifications that the Russians have set up in the temporarily occupied territories, said a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Vadym Skibitskyi, in an interview with Civilmedia.

He noted that the situation on the battlefield is currently complex, but the initiative is with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"Everything is going according to plan. We respond to changes on the battlefield and make necessary adjustments. Ukrainian military intelligence exposes the enemy's intentions, and the Defense Forces disrupt them. We analyze and strike where the Russian occupiers suffer significant losses," said Skibitskyi.

According to him, the Russian forces are well entrenched in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

"Large minefields, multiple lines of fortifications – all of this undoubtedly affects the pace of our advancement. However, for those who think that Ukraine is moving too slowly in the offensive, I'll say that war is not a sporting competition," noted the representative of the Intelligence Directorate.

He added that combat dynamics depend on many factors, including the availability of forces and means necessary to carry out combat tasks.

"We need ammunition, more air defense systems, demining equipment, and long-range precision weapons," emphasized Skibitskyi.

The representative of the Intelligence Directorate reminded that the large-scale Russian aggression was aimed at quickly capturing the entire Ukraine.

"In the expert circles you mentioned, before the February 24, 2022 invasion, it was believed that Ukraine wouldn't hold out for long. But the aggressor got a beating. And we will continue until he spits out his last dog. And the main thing here is not so much speed as surprise and accuracy of the shot," he pointed out.

Skibitskyi also added that the actions of the Ukrainian forces on the battlefield are aimed at disabling the enemy - cutting off supply routes, destroying ammunition depots, winning counter-battery battles, and eliminating its reconnaissance and air defense systems.

"We operate in all dimensions of the war, and the combination of successes will bring the desired result. So, Ukraine is advancing, and it will be successful," said the representative of the Intelligence Directorate.

Frontline situation

According to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), the Ukrainian Armed Forces are attempting to break through the Russian defense on the outskirts of Bakhmut and are increasing pressure on Klishchiivka. Meanwhile, there are successes on the western front in the Zaporizhzhia region.

In the past day, Russian forces attempted to advance near Mariinka and north and southeast of Avdiivka but were unsuccessful. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue advancing on the Melitopol and Berdyansk fronts and consolidate their positions on the achieved lines.

According to the General Staff, Russia's losses in the war in Ukraine as of Friday morning, August 4, amounted to 640 occupiers, with 248,490 military personnel lost by the Russian army since the invasion began. Additionally, the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed 27 drones and 19 artillery systems.