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Ukrainian company starts production of drones in Slovakia

Ukrainian company starts production of drones in Slovakia Photo: Skyeton drone (
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Ukrainian company Skyeton, known for its ACS-3/Raybird-3 reconnaissance systems, has expanded its operations to Slovakia, according to Defence Industry Europe.

It is reported that the company has invested $3.5 million in a factory in Slovakia.

The company received an order for over 75 reconnaissance systems from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, leading to the start of production at the new Slovak factory in spring 2024. This factory can produce 25 systems per year, with plans to quadruple this capacity after completing the investment round.

Skyeton’s Raybird systems, which have been in service with the Ukrainian Armed Forces since 2018, are advanced drones. Each system, costing $1.2 million, includes three drones, a portable ground control station, an antenna system, a launch system, a camera, photo equipment, and radars.

These drones can stay airborne for up to 28 hours, cover distances of up to 2,500 km, and reach altitudes of up to 4,500 meters.

Raybird is one of only five UAVs in the world with such capabilities but is more cost-effective than its foreign counterparts.

Drone production in Ukraine

Ukraine has increased its production of various types of drones during the war.

The Ministry of Strategic Industries and Production has stated that Ukraine has the capacity to produce over 3 million drones of various types per year. However, the state can only cover a portion of the production needs, necessitating support from partners.

According to the General Staff, drones are more effective on the front lines compared to traditional weapons.