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Ukrainian military says drones outperform artillery in effectiveness on battlefield

Ukrainian military says drones outperform artillery in effectiveness on battlefield Photo: The Armed Forces of Ukraine said that drones are more effective than artillery (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Drones at the front are more effective than classical weapons. This also applies to artillery, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

This statement was made by Colonel Andrii Lebedenko, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, during the Brave1 Precision hackathon. He notes that over the past almost three years, significant technological developments have taken place at the front. The Ukrainian Armed Forces need to constantly improve their unmanned systems - machine vision, artificial intelligence elements, drone swarms, and modern electronic warfare equipment.

Colonel Vadym Sukharevskyi, Commander of the Unmanned Systems Forces, emphasizes that drones operate in the sky, on water, and land. He adds that the Armed Forces have extensive experience with drones in the air, which operate at tactical depths (up to 20 km). Ukraine has more than 165 airborne vehicles alone.

“We are currently communicating with manufacturers, identifying areas for improving this depth. We are calling on manufacturers to join us, visit our training grounds, and improve the weapons and equipment necessary for the Armed Forces of Ukraine together,” Sukharevskyi says.

According to Deputy Chief of the Armed Forces Lebedenko, unmanned systems on the battlefield already outperform classical weapons, including artillery, in terms of effectiveness.

Accordingly, the priority areas for the Ukrainian Armed Forces and weapons manufacturers are also technological. These include interceptors, artillery fire adjustment systems, counter-battery warfare, and unmanned systems that can effectively operate at operational (up to 100 km) and strategic depths (over 100 km).

Drone production in Ukraine

During Russia's invasion, Ukraine increased the production of various types of drones, namely, kamikaze drones with long-range, reconnaissance systems, and maritime drones.

Earlier, Security Service of Ukraine Head Vasyl Maliuk said that Sea Baby marine drones are manufactured in Ukraine, and some factories are located underground.

The Ministry of Strategic Industries said that Ukraine can produce more than 3 million drones of various types in a year. However, the state can only cover part of the production needs, so the help of partners is being sought.