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Ukrainian commandant's office appeared in Kursk region, Russian Tu-22M3 crashed in Irkutsk region - Thursday brief

Ukrainian commandant's office appeared in Kursk region, Russian Tu-22M3 crashed in Irkutsk region - Thursday brief Collage by RBC-Ukraine

Ukraine has established a military commandant's office in the Kursk region. Meanwhile, a Russian Tu-22M3 strategic bomber crashed in the Irkutsk region.

Read more about what happened on Thursday, August 15.

Ukraine establishes military commandant’s office in Kursk region, led by General Moskalev

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi, during the Meeting of the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, announced that Ukraine has established a military commandant's office in the Kursk region, led by Major General Eduard Moskalev.

According to him, Ukrainian forces completed the search and destruction of the enemy in the town of Sudzha and three other settlements in the Kursk region.

"To maintain law and order and ensure the urgent needs of the population in the controlled territories, a military commandant's office was created. Major General Moskalev was appointed as its head," Syrskyi said.

Tu-22M3 bomber crashes near Russian Irkutsk

A Russian Tu-22M3 bomber crashed in the Irkutsk region on Thursday, August 15, according to the pro-Russian Telegram channel TASS.

According to Russian media, the preliminary cause of the Tu-22M3 bomber crash in the Irkutsk region was a technical malfunction, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

The plane crashed near the entrance to the village of Mikhailovka. Before the crash, the plane started to burn.

It is likely that the plane took off from the Belaya airfield in the neighboring Usolskiy district.

White House announces new military aid packages for Ukraine

The United States plans to announce new military aid packages for Ukraine soon, states John Kirby, the Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the US National Security Council.

According to him, new military aid packages for Ukraine will be announced within the next few days.

Kirby did not disclose specific details about the types of weaponry that are planned to be provided.

Ukraine's Security Service captures over 100 Russian troops in Kursk region: Details

Security Service of Ukraine's officers captured over 100 Russian soldiers in Russia's Kursk region. Among the prisoners are soldiers of Kadyrov's Akhmat unit, according to RBC-Ukraine's intelligence sources.

Security Service of Ukraine's special forces captured 102 Russian servicemen in the Kursk region. This is the most massive capture of the Russian troops that has ever been carried out in one go.

The special operation was carried out by the soldiers of the Security Service of Ukraine's Central Special Operations Centre A.

US 'open' to provide Ukraine with long-range JASSM missiles for F-16s

Ukraine may receive JASSM air-to-surface missiles for F-16s from the US. Washington is "open" to such supplies, Politico.

According to one White House staff member, a decision on the missile supply has not yet been made, as the Biden administration is working through "complicated details." These involve checking the transfer of sensitive technologies and ensuring that Ukrainian aircraft can launch such missiles.

According to a Politico source, significant work will be required before the missiles can be supplied. In particular, it must be confirmed that the aircraft available to Ukraine, including the F-16s, can use JASSM for targets at a range of approximately 370 kilometers.