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White House announces new military aid packages for Ukraine

White House announces new military aid packages for Ukraine Photo: John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the US National Security Council (Getty Images)

The United States plans to announce new military aid packages for Ukraine soon, states John Kirby, the Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the US National Security Council.

According to him, new military aid packages for Ukraine will be announced within the next few days.

Kirby did not disclose specific details about the types of weaponry that are planned to be provided.


Recall that on August 14, Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov held talks with his American counterpart Lloyd Austin.

The officials discussed priority security assistance for Ukraine and the current operations of Ukrainian defenders.

The last time the US announced a military aid package for Ukraine was on August 9. It included weaponry worth $125 million.

The package promised to provide Ukrainian forces with munitions for HIMARS, artillery shells, anti-tank missiles, and more.

This announcement came after Ukrainian defenders began their operation in the Kursk region. The US emphasized that Ukraine's actions "do not violate their policy."