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Ukrainian border guards destroy Russian positions and equipment on Kharkiv front

Ukrainian border guards destroy Russian positions and equipment on Kharkiv front Photo: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine destroyed Russian positions and equipment in Kharkiv region (illustrative photo by GettyImages)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian border guards launched massive attacks on Russian positions in the Kharkiv sector. They posted the results of their work online.

The video shows the work of the artillerymen of the 15th Mobile Border Guard Detachment Stalevyi Kordon (Steel Border - ed.). The Ukrainian defenders fired on the Russian invaders. As a result, 4 Russian troops were eliminated and 2 more were wounded.

"As a result, a Russian vehicle was also damaged, and firing positions in the Kharkiv sector were destroyed," the statement says.

Situation in Kharkiv sector

According to the ISW, on August 14 and 15, Russia continued ground attacks in the areas of Lyptsi, Hlyboke, Starytsa, Vovchansk, and Sotnytskyi Kozachok in the Kharkiv region.

Russian military commanders claimed that Russian troops advanced west of Hlyboke and near Lukiantsi on August 15, but ISW found no evidence to support these claims.

Ukrainian defenders destroy Russian invaders

Ukrainian border guards conducted a series of successful strikes on Russian equipment and manpower in the Bakhmut direction.

Also, the Ukrainian Land Forces conducted a series of successful strikes on Russian equipment and manpower in the East of Ukraine.

Earlier, Ukrainian defenders launched a series of strikes on Russian equipment and personnel.