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Border guards hit Russians' equipment and command post in Bakhmut sector (video)

Border guards hit Russians' equipment and command post in Bakhmut sector (video) Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Ukrainian border guards have carried out a series of successful strikes against enemy equipment and personnel in the Bakhmut direction. They shared the results of their operations online, citing the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

According to the report, the video showcases the work of the Pomsta (Revenge - ed.) border guards. Ukrainian defenders struck a Russian MT-12 Rapira anti-tank gun and the command post of an enemy UAV in the Bakhmut direction.

"The fighters also destroyed a military truck, eliminated two occupiers, and wounded one," the State Border Guard Service reported.

The video shows that border guards used precise drone strikes to hit the enemy’s positions and equipment. Some of the targets were located in wooded areas, while others were entrenched in partially destroyed buildings.

Ukrainian defenders wipe out Russian forces

The Land Forces recently carried out a series of successful strikes against enemy equipment and personnel in the East.

Earlier, Ukrainian border guards reported the downing of an enemy drone from the air in the Bakhmut direction.

Ukrainian defenders also launched a series of strikes on enemy equipment and personnel.