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Ukrainian border guards destroy Russian positions and drone control center

Ukrainian border guards destroy Russian positions and drone control center Photo: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine destroyed Russian positions in the Bakhmut sector (illustrative photo by GettyImages).
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian border guards destroyed a Russian control center, ammunition depots, hideouts, and infantry, their press service reports.

The video shows the work of MLRS units of the Pomsta (Revenge in Ukrainian - ed.) border brigade in the Bakhmut direction and the Serebryanske forestry.

Ukrainian border guards launched a series of powerful strikes in hot spots along the front of the forest belts where the Russian troops were trying to hide from attacks. In particular, State Border Guard Service of Ukraine soldiers repeatedly struck Russian infantry and their shelters.

Destruction of Russian equipment

Recently, Ukrainian defenders destroyed a rare Russian counter-battery radar with HIMARS in the Russian rear in the Donetsk sector.

Also, in the Pokrovsk sector, Ukrainian troops shot down a Russian Su-25 combat aircraft.