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Ukrainian border guards destroy Russian dugout with drones on Kharkiv front

Ukrainian border guards destroy Russian dugout with drones on Kharkiv front Photo: The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine destroyed the Russian dugouts in the Kharkiv sector (GettyImages)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian border guards struck two precision strikes on Russian dugouts in the Kharkiv sector, destroying the Russian manpower. The results of their work were revealed by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

"FPV drones of the Steel Frontier border guards hit 2 Russian dugouts with personnel in the Kharkiv direction," the statement says.

According to the video, the Russian positions were located in the forest belt. However, despite this, Ukrainian defenders tracked down and destroyed the Russian-equipped positions.

Ukrainian troops destroy Russian equipment and manpower

Ukrainian border guards destroyed the Russian manpower in the Siversk sector and hit their positions.