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Ukrainian border guards destroy Russian positions in Siversk direction

Ukrainian border guards destroy Russian positions in Siversk direction Photo: The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine destroyed Russian positions in the Siversk sector (illustrative photo by GettyImages).
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian border guards destroyed the Russian manpower in the Siversk sector and struck their positions. The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine shared the results of their work.

“The drones of the Revenge brigade eliminated 8 Russian troops and destroyed 2 shelters in the Northern direction,” the statement reads.

FPV drones are working on Russian positions during the day, and VAMPIRE heavy strike bombs at night.

Ukrainian troops destroy Russian equipment and manpower

Earlier, Ukrainian border guards destroyed the Russian manpower in the Kharkiv sector.

Also, Ukrainian border guards struck the Russian armored vehicles in Vovchansk.

Ukrainian reconnaissance fighters conducted a series of successful strikes on the Russian manpower and equipment in the Kharkiv sector.