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Ukrainian Armed Forces unleash heavy artillery on Russians near Klishchiivka (Video)

Ukrainian Armed Forces unleash heavy artillery on Russians near Klishchiivka (Video) Photo: The Armed Forces of Ukraine covered the Russians near Klishchiivka with heavy artillery fire (Getty Images)

Ukrainian soldiers unleashed artillery fire on Russian occupiers. Defenders showcased combat operations in the Bakhmut direction on Telegram channel of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The footage captured the actions of the soldiers from the 93rd Separate Mechanized Brigade, Kholodnyi Yar.

The warriors demonstrated how they showered Russian infantry with intense artillery fire in the area near Klishchiivka on the Bakhmut direction. The defenders did not disclose the exact losses of the enemy.

What's happening near Bakhmut

It is worth noting that Bakhmut has remained a focal point of hostilities for many months. During the summer counteroffensive, Ukrainian forces advanced on the southern and northern flanks of Bakhmut. However, the city itself remains under enemy control.

Currently, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are launching an attack on the southern flank of the Bakhmut direction. Defense forces have also acknowledged that, in the event of occupiers gaining control of the northern flank, Ukrainian forces could encircle Bakhmut operationally.

It's important to add that earlier, the Ground Forces stated that Russians had intensified their offensive on the Bakhmut direction with renewed vigor.

Military experts believe that the initiative around Bakhmut has shifted to the Russians.