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Ukrainian Armed Forces succeed west of Verbove and advance south of Bakhmut - General Staff

Ukrainian Armed Forces succeed west of Verbove and advance south of Bakhmut - General Staff Ukrainian military (GettyImages)
Author: Maria Kholina

Ukrainian soldiers are pressing forward with offensive operations in the Melitopol and Bakhmut directions. Specifically, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are advancing further west of Verbove and to the south of Bakhmut, inflicting significant losses on the occupying forces, according to the spokesperson of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Andrii Kovaliov.

"On the Melitopol front, our defensive forces continue their offensive operations and have achieved partial success to the west of Verbove," Kovaliov reported.

Ukrainian fighters are causing losses to the occupying forces in terms of personnel and equipment, gradually wearing down the enemy.

Units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are persisting with their assault operations to the south of Bakhmut in the Donetsk region.

On this front, Ukrainian forces are also inflicting losses on the enemy in terms of personnel and equipment while consolidating their positions at achieved frontlines.

Frontline situation

According to the General Staff's data, Ukrainian forces on the Mariupol front have repelled over 20 enemy attacks. In the Kherson direction, Ukrainian soldiers are engaging in counter-battery actions and delivering firepower strikes to the enemy's rear positions.

Furthermore, Ukrainian Armed Forces are advancing on the Melitopol front. As reported by the Institute for the Study of War, Ukrainian forces conducted offensive operations near Bakhmut on October 24 and continued their offensive operations in the western part of the Zaporizhzhia region, confirming their successes.

As of Wednesday morning, October 25, Russia has suffered 800 fatalities in the war in Ukraine, bringing the total number of Russian military losses since the invasion began to 296,310 soldiers. In addition, Ukrainian Armed Forces have destroyed 44 artillery systems and 28 armored vehicles.