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Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed 15 enemy vehicles on southern front within day

Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed 15 enemy vehicles on southern front within day Ukrainian Armed Forces on southern front destroyed 15 enemy equipment units within a day (photo: Getty Images)

Ukrainian military personnel in the Tavriisk direction carried out nearly 1400 firing tasks and destroyed 15 units of military equipment during the past day, states the Commander of the Operational-Strategic Troops Grouping "Tavriia," Oleksandr Tarnavskyi, in his Telegram channel.

Over the day, Artillery Units of the Defense Forces executed 1393 firing tasks. In the past 24 hours, enemy casualties in terms of killed, wounded, and captured individuals totaled 265 (deceased – 95, wounded – 159, captured – 11)," mentions Tarnavskyi in his report.

Additionally, it's reported that as a consequence of combat actions, 15 units of enemy military equipment were eliminated. This includes 3 tanks, 4 artillery systems and mortars, 1 ATGM, 1 SPG, and 6 units of automotive equipment.

Losses of Russia in the war

According to data from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, our soldiers destroyed an additional 650 occupiers during the past day. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the terrorist state has lost approximately 256,000 military personnel.

Meanwhile, border guards successfully neutralized an enemy radio-electronic reconnaissance complex in the Kherson region.

Furthermore, thanks to information from underground sources, Ukrainian troops eliminated a group of Russians in temporarily occupied territories.