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Ukrainian Armed Forces advance in the Melitopol direction and halt Russians in the east

Ukrainian Armed Forces advance in the Melitopol direction and halt Russians in the east Photo: Ukrainian Armed Forces advance in the Melitopol direction and halt Russians in the east (Getty Images)

Ukrainian defenders continue their advance in the Melitopol direction, and they also have local successes south of Bahmut. In addition, the soldiers are holding back the Russian occupiers' advance in the east, reports the spokesperson of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Andrii Kovalov, during a telethon.

He noted that the Ukrainian Defense Forces continue their offensive operation in the Bakhmut and Melitopol directions.

In the direction of Novodanylivka and Novoprokopivka in the Zaporizhzhia region, our soldiers have achieved success. They are consolidating their positions at the achieved frontlines. Defenders are also launching artillery strikes on identified enemy targets and conducting counter-battery measures.

Ukrainian Armed Forces advance in the Melitopol direction and halt Russians in the screenshot

Furthermore, Ukrainian fighters continue their offensive actions south of Bahmut and are securing their achieved positions.

"The enemy's attempts to advance in the areas of Avdiivka and Maryinka in the Donetsk region have been unsuccessful. The enemy has suffered significant losses in personnel, equipment, and machinery. They are relocating units and troops and actively deploying their reserves here," Kovalov added.

Ukrainian Armed Forces advance in the Melitopol direction and halt Russians in the screenshot

In addition, the Defense Forces continue to restrain the Russian troops' advance in the Kupiansk, Lyman, and Bakhmut directions. There have been a total of 30 military clashes in the past day.

"The enemy's attempts to advance in the Klishchiivka area of the Donetsk region have been unsuccessful. Heavy fighting continues there," the spokesperson emphasized.

Ukrainian Armed Forces advance in the Melitopol direction and halt Russians in the screenshot

Advance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

This summer, our soldiers intensified their offensive actions in the south and east of Ukraine. Defenders are advancing on the flanks of the Bakhmut direction, where active combat has been ongoing for a long time.

Furthermore, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have managed to advance in the Zaporizhzhia region and in the western part of the Donetsk region, liberating over 10 populated areas.

Recently, our fighters also entered the populated area of Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia region. ISW analysts believe that the Ukrainian Armed Forces may be approaching the enemy's second defense line, which is likely to be weaker.