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Ukraine urgently requests heavy construction, engineering, and medical equipment from NATO

Ukraine urgently requests heavy construction, engineering, and medical equipment from NATO Illustrative photo: Ukraine requests technical and transport assistance from NATO (Getty Images)

Ukraine has requested international assistance from NATO, including construction and medical equipment, according to the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre.

It is reported that, according to the obligations, the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre will forward this request to NATO member countries and other partners.

The request indicates that due to constant Russian attacks on civilian populations and critical infrastructure, there have been injuries and significant damage to buildings and structures.

"To be able to respond rapidly, rescue people, deal with the consequences (including removal of debris and ruins), and perform related tasks, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SESU) urgently needs the in-kind assistance mentioned below," the statement reads.

This equipment is needed by rescuers to operate in various regions of Ukraine, particularly those most affected by severe Russian attacks.

Ukraine is requesting the transfer of 17 tracked and 10 wheeled heavy excavators, 30 tractors with trailers for transporting loads up to 100 tons, 25 armored medical vehicles, and 27 fire trucks.

NATO's assistance to Ukraine

A new mission has been recently established to unify the efforts of countries providing military assistance to Ukraine, including air defense systems, artillery, F-16s, and training. The mission will coordinate the training of Ukrainian military personnel and bilateral security agreements. All NATO countries have agreed to create this mission to make assistance more effective and organized, reducing duplication of armaments.

According to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, the alliance will create a permanent structure for organizing and financing the supply of weapons to Ukraine.