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Ukraine to receive F-16 maintenance materials and air-to-air missiles from Netherlands

Ukraine to receive F-16 maintenance materials and air-to-air missiles from Netherlands Photo: F-16 (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The Netherlands will supply equipment and materials for the maintenance of Ukraine’s F-16 fighter jets. Ukraine will also receive air-to-air missiles, according to the Dutch Ministry of Defense.

The Netherlands will provide aid worth €80 million. Part of the funds will be directed toward support materials and spare parts for maintaining the F-16s, as without these, the jets would not be able to fly.

"Besides large quantities of spare parts, these include generators, small vehicles, essential maintenance materials, specialized tools, and stairs. With the air-to-air missiles, Ukraine can take down enemy aircraft," said Dutch Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans.

He did not disclose details regarding the quantity or type of weapons provided, nor the timeline for delivery.

Netherlands’ support for Ukraine

At the end of July this year, Ukraine received its first F-16 fighters from the Netherlands. At the same time, the Netherlands also promised to allocate €300 million for ammunition for the F-16s.

Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof, during his first visit to Ukraine, announced a new aid package worth over €200 million.