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Dutch Prime Minister announces €200 million aid package for Ukraine

Dutch Prime Minister announces €200 million aid package for Ukraine Photo: Prime Minister of the Netherlands Dick Schoof (GettyImages)

During his first visit to Ukraine, Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof announced a new aid package worth over 200 million euros and announced this on Twitter.

Schoof noted that Ukraine can continue to count on further support and cooperation from the Netherlands.

"We must do everything possible to help Ukraine keep going. On the front lines, but also in people’s daily lives. That’s why the Netherlands is providing a substantial new support package worth over €200 million. The package is focused mainly on protecting and repairing the energy infrastructure and includes additional funding for humanitarian assistance," Schoof wrote.

He stated that people in Ukraine have the right to live in freedom and security. Stopping Russian attacks on Ukraine aligns with the security interests of both the Netherlands and Europe as a whole.

"That’s a belief that we all share. My first visit to the country as prime minister of the Netherlands has confirmed my conviction that we must continue to support Ukraine," he emphasized.

During the briefing, Schoof revealed that 80% of the new aid package will be directed towards supporting Ukraine's energy system, which is being targeted by Russian attacks. This includes components, gas turbines, and funding for demining equipment, psychological support, and medical assistance.

"We will keep providing air defence equipment, and F-16s, and funding for munitions," Schoof stated.

Dutch support for Ukraine

In July of this year, Ukraine received its first F-16 fighter jets from the Netherlands. At that time, the Netherlands also pledged 300 million euros for munitions for the F-16s.

It was later announced that the Netherlands will purchase 51 mobile radars for drone detection for Ukraine. Recently, Dutch Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans also announced that Ukraine will receive nearly 30 Viking all-terrain vehicles.