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Ukraine сreates five joint ventures with Western arms manufacturers, PM

Ukraine сreates five joint ventures with Western arms manufacturers, PM Photo: Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukraine has already created five joint ventures with Western arms manufacturers, says Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal at a press conference.

"We work very closely with the leaders of the world's arms market. We can already talk about five signed contracts and the creation of five joint ventures in Ukraine in cooperation with Western arms manufacturers, our partners," says Shmyhal.

He added that the work continues and there will be dozens of these enterprises.

"This year, I am convinced that we will see the same, or we will not see, because some of them we create privately. We communicate where they are created to ensure their safety," says PM.

According to him, the world's leading arms manufacturers, such as Day & Zimmermann, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, and others, are currently considering the possibility of being present in Ukraine.

Joint weapons production

Ukraine is now actively negotiating with other countries about joint defense production.

In particular, Ukraine and Belgium recently signed a memorandum on the joint production of weapons.

The German defense company Rheinmetall will also open its plant in Ukraine this year. It will begin joint production of weapons and repair of Western equipment.