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Ukraine's plans for F-16 and new military aid from U.S. - Wednesday brief

Ukraine's plans for F-16 and new military aid from U.S. - Wednesday brief Photo: Collage by RBC-Ukraine

Ukraine already has grandiose plans to use the F-16 fighter jets provided by the allies. Meanwhile, the United States has announced a new package of military aid to our country worth $250 million.

More details about what happened on Tuesday, December 27, read below.

Ukraine awaiting American F-16 fighter jets to arrive: 'Plans are grandiose'

Ukraine has "grandiose plans" for the American F-16 fighter jets that its partners are expected to deliver. The aircraft boasts a wide range of armaments, making them applicable on various fronts, says Air Force spokesperson Yurii Ihnat in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.

"The plans are grandiose. The aircraft is multifunctional, so it will be able to perform many tasks in support of ground forces," emphasized the spokesperson.

"F-16 has a wide range of armaments that can be applied on various fronts. Well, it will help gain air superiority and resist guided aviation bombs," emphasized Ihnat.

U.S. announces $250 million military aid package for Ukraine - Blinken

The United States has provided Ukraine with a package of military aid worth $250 million, according to a statement by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The new aid package includes additional air defense assets, artillery ammunition, anti-tank weapons, and other equipment to help Ukraine counter Russian aggression.

Ukraine plans to ramp up Shahed drone analog production, Industries Minister asserts

The serial production of Shahed analogs has begun in Ukraine, with capacities set to increase, states Ukraine's Minister for Strategic Industries, Oleksandr Kamyshin.

He clarifies that the Ukrainian military-industrial complex is currently producing only dozens of kamikaze drones, assuring that capacities will continue to expand. "Since 2016, the state had developments that were inexplicably not put into production. We have now launched serial production. Currently, we are producing them by the dozens," he says.

Newsweek reports possible F-16 presence in Ukraine, Air Force firmly denies information

The American news agency Newsweek wrote that the first F-16 aircraft likely had already arrived in Ukraine. However, the Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson Yurii Ihnat did not confirm this information, according to Newsweek and a comment from the spokesperson of the Air Force, Yurii Ihnat.

Rumors about the arrival of F-16s in Ukraine emerged after the Russian army lost four Su-34s last week. Russian propagandists suggested that the Sukhoi aircraft could have been shot down by F-16s, which Ukraine was expecting from Western partners. Furthermore, the Russians even claimed the alleged destruction of the first aircraft.

Russia uses prisoners as political weapon against Ukraine - Politico

Russia is increasing pressure on Ukrainians and involves prisoners of war in this. Moscow uses prisoners as a political weapon, according to Politico.

Ukrainian military personnel in Russian captivity have started calling their relatives. At the same time, they say that supposedly Russia is ready for exchanges, but Ukraine refuses.

Draft laws on mobilization may undergo changes or revisions, sources

Insiders in the Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine's Parliament), it is believed that the draft laws on mobilization will be amended. They will either be revised or another version will be registered.

Russian troops shoot Ukrainian POWs: Prosecutor's office investigating

Russian war criminals shot Ukrainian prisoners of war near Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia region. The Prosecutor General's Office has launched an investigation into this crime.

According to the press service, prosecutors have already initiated criminal proceedings on the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, in December 2023, Russian servicemen took three Ukrainian defenders prisoner during a firefight with Ukrainian soldiers near the village of Robotyne, Zaporizhzhia region.