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Ukraine's air defense destroys 11 Russian drones in 24 hours

Ukraine's air defense destroys 11 Russian drones in 24 hours Photo: Ukrainian air defense shoots down 11 Russian drones of various types in the south and east overnight (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian Air Defense Forces shot down 11 Russian drones. All of them were destroyed in the east and south, according to the Ukrainian Air Force.

"Over the past and current day, 11 drones of various types were shot down by Ukrainian Air Defense in the southern and eastern directions," the report says.

In particular, 1 Shahed, 2 Supercam, and 4 Lancet drones were shot down in the south, and 1 Orlan-10 and 4 drones of unspecified type were shot down in the east.

Drones in Russia-Ukraine war

In July 2024, Ukraine launched production of almost a hundred more attack drones than Russia.

At the same time, the Defense Procurement Agency signed an agreement with a Ukrainian manufacturer for the supply of ground-based kamikaze drones. The deal is worth UAH 3 billion. Ukraine can produce over 3 million drones of various types in a year.

Over the past day, the Ukrainian Armed Forces shot down a total of 37 Russian drones.