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Ukraine requested weapons purchased from South Korea from Poland, but received refusal - Duda

Ukraine requested weapons purchased from South Korea from Poland, but received refusal - Duda Photo: Polish President Andrzej Duda (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Polish President Andrzej Duda stated that Ukraine had requested weapons purchased by Warsaw from South Korea. Poland declined the request, RMF 24 reports.

Duda, who is on a visit to South Korea, was asked if Poland could provide Ukraine with weapons that were purchased in Seoul, on the condition that South Korea decides to transfer weapons to Ukraine.

"There is no scenario in which we would transfer weapons, recently purchased for billions of zlotys from our taxpayers' pockets, to anyone. This equipment is intended for the security and defense of the Republic of Poland," he replied.

According to the Polish president, Ukraine had made a request, but Duda declined.

"My response was clear — as long as I am president, we cannot give away weapons that we purchased for billions from our common funds, meaning taxpayers’ pockets, in recent years to strengthen Poland's security," Duda stated.

What preceded this

South Korea is concerned about the deployment of North Korean troops to Russia, from where they could be sent to fight in the war against Ukraine.

Seoul believes that this move could lead to a deterioration of the situation on the Korean Peninsula. Additionally, the United States has also stated that sending North Korean soldiers to the war will impact allies in Europe and the Indo-Pacific region.

Against this backdrop, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol indicated that his country might consider the possibility of supplying weapons to Ukraine.