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Ukraine receives advanced F-16s with cutting-edge equipment

Ukraine receives advanced F-16s with cutting-edge equipment Photo: MP Yehor Cherniev (
Author: Daryna Vialko

The F-16 fighters that Ukraine received from Western partners are of a modern modification and equipped with the latest aviation technology. Kyiv is currently working on acquiring long-range weapons for these aircraft, which are manufactured in Europe and the USA, according to Yehor Cherniev, a member of parliament and deputy chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security and Defense of Ukraine.

"The first batch of F-16 aircraft has arrived in Ukraine. We are now expecting other aircraft from the coalition countries - Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, and Norway. Active efforts are underway to have other countries, including the USA, join this coalition. The delivery of the first F-16s should encourage our other partners," said Cherniev.

The MP noted that this would allow Ukraine to obtain the necessary minimum number of aircraft to secure Ukrainian skies and repel attacks from the Russian army using missiles, drones, and aircraft.

According to him, there is a consensus among allies on the need to explore new opportunities to expand the combat air fleet and strengthen Ukraine.

"We have received a modern modification of the F-16 with the latest avionics, radars for targeting missiles, and more. We are also working on all possible options so that we can get long-range weapons manufactured in Europe and the United States for these vehicles. The process is ongoing, and I hope to see such missiles in Ukraine," the MP noted.

He added that preparing Ukrainian pilots for the F-16 and technical personnel for ground maintenance of these aircraft remains a crucial issue.

"There are currently not many bases for this worldwide, so we are seeking opportunities in various countries to increase the number of our specialists," Cherniev explained.

Ukraine receives first F-16s

At the end of July, Ukraine received its first F-16 fighter jets from Western partners.

It is not yet known how many aircraft are already in Ukraine, but The Times reported that Ukraine supposedly received six aircraft from the Netherlands.

The Economist claims that the first 10 F-16 fighter jets have arrived in Ukraine. Another 10 aircraft are expected to be delivered to Ukraine by the end of the year. The remaining promised jets will be delivered in batches in 2025.

According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the number of F-16s in Ukraine is not yet sufficient, but Ukraine is waiting for additional aircraft from partners.

For more details on how many fighter jets are needed to secure the skies and why Ukraine specifically needs the F-16, see the material by RBC-Ukraine.