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Ukraine may consider China's and Brazil's plans to integrate into peace formula: Zelenskyy's Office

Ukraine may consider China's and Brazil's plans to integrate into peace formula: Zelenskyy's Office Photo: Head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukraine may consider alternative peace initiatives from China, Brazil, and other countries. These could be integrated into Ukraine's peace formula, informs Andriy Yermak, head of the President's Office, in an interview with Corriere Della Sera.

According to him, Ukraine will finalize its peace formula by early November. Yermak does not rule out considering alternative peace initiatives.

"By early November, we will complete our peace formula, and Zelenskyy has said he will be ready to listen to other initiatives, such as those from China, Brazil, South Africa, and others, to integrate them into ours. Then our proposal will have significant support," stated the head of the President's Office.

Yermak also dismissed the possibility of constructing a peace proposal under the influence of those who wanted war.

"We will be ready to hold an international conference when we feel the strength and support of the Global South for negotiations with Russia," he added.

The head of the President's Office did not confirm that the second peace summit might be postponed until next year. He emphasized that the summit would take place "when the conditions are right."

Peace initiatives for Ukraine

Recall that Ukraine created a peace formula as a diplomatic pathway to end the war. The first peace summit for Ukraine was held in Switzerland in June. At that time, the Ukrainian leadership did not rule out inviting Russia to the second summit.

Several countries, typically sympathetic to Russia, have presented their alternative peace plans, including China, Brazil, Indonesia, and South Africa.

Earlier, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy criticized alternative peace plans, calling them destructive.