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Ukraine is clearly aware that war ends in negotiations - Defense Council chief

Ukraine is clearly aware that war ends in negotiations - Defense Council chief Photo: Oleksandr Lytvynenko, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine is clearly aware that the war will end in negotiations. That is why President Zelenskyy’s Peace Formula has been prepared and is being promoted, stated Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) Oleksandr Lytvynenko during a video address to the participants of the Baltic Sea Region Forum: NATO 2024 and the Arctic Europe.

"Ukraine is clearly aware that the war will end in negotiations. That is why President Zelenskyy’s Peace Formula has been prepared and is being promoted. Our position is very simple, and I am convinced that it will be supported by the participants of the Peace Summit in Switzerland in June 2024," said Lytvynenko.

He noted that "this is a real diplomatic track that has every chance of contributing to a just peace".

In addition, the NSDC Secretary emphasized that Ukraine doesn't need "a 2-year armistice", it needs "a sustainable peace for decades that would enable Ukraine’s development".

He also expressed hope that Ukraine would receive an invitation to join the Alliance at this year's NATO summit in Washington.

"We are aware that membership will not happen tomorrow, but the invitation will cool down lots of hot heads in Russia. It will contribute to de-escalation, rather than being a confrontational step. The experience of the Bucharest Summit in 2008 clearly proved that in relations with Putin, clear certainty stabilizes the situation, while its absence provokes Russia to take aggressive steps," Lytvynenko noted.

Peace Summit

The Global Peace Summit will be held on June 15-16 in the Swiss city of Bürgenstock. The event is organized by Ukraine and Switzerland.

At least 50 countries have already confirmed their participation in the summit.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has already announced the topics to be discussed at the event. Read more about the upcoming peace summit in the material of RBC-Ukraine.