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Ukraine has drones and missiles capable of reaching 1,500 km deep into Russia

Ukraine has drones and missiles capable of reaching 1,500 km deep into Russia Photo: Oleksandr Kamyshyn (facebook com synegubov oleg)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine has drones and missiles of its own production that have a range of 1,500 kilometers. They have already been used to strike at Russian territory, according to Ukraine's Minister for Strategic Industries Oleksandr Kamyshin.

During the interview for CNN, Kamyshyn was asked what long-range weapons Ukraine produces and whether it uses them to strike at Russia's infrastructure.

“We've got drones, we've got missiles that can go as deep as 1,500 kilometers inside Russia. And you've seen that it works well,” Kamyshin replied.

The Minister did not provide any other details about these weapons.

What happened before

Currently, an important issue for Ukraine is obtaining permission from partner countries to use their weapons on Russian territory. While several countries have stated that Ukraine can use the provided weapons independently, the US, the UK, and Italy have not lifted their restrictions.

An alternative to this is the production of long-range weapons by Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that Ukraine has started producing long-range drones and is working on a missile program, but this requires investment.

This year, on Independence Day, Zelenskyy reported the first successful use of the Ukrainian Palianytsia drone missile. The following day, he showcased the Ukrainian Palianytsia for the first time.

Last year, Zelenskyy mentioned that Ukraine planned to produce and deliver one million drones to its defenders in 2024. It later became known that this refers only to FPV drones.

Specifically, this year, the Defense Procurement Agency of the Ministry of Defense plans to sign contracts for "hundreds of thousands" of drones.