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Ukraine finds Starlink alternative for targeting Crimea's waters

Ukraine finds Starlink alternative for targeting Crimea's waters Illustrative photo: Ukraine has found an alternative to Starlink (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine has found a satellite communication system that could serve as an alternative to Starlink. This is necessary for drone strikes in the waters of Crimea, according to the Commander of the Unmanned Systems Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Vadym Sukharevskyi.

"This issue is being solved (alternative to Starlink - ed.), and a working group was created for dialogue. An alternative exists, dialogue is ongoing, and in the near future, we expect a positive outcome in this dialogue," Sukharevskyi stated.

Ukrainian Armed Forces use Starlink

Ukrainian defenders use tens of thousands of Starlink terminals, actively employing them in the war against Russian forces.

Such satellite communication systems help Ukrainian soldiers to attack Russian forces using drones.

However, in September 2023, CNN reported that Elon Musk supposedly secretly instructed his engineers to disable the Starlink network near the coast of temporarily occupied Crimea, fearing that Ukrainians would use his satellite communication system to attack the Russian fleet.

Musk himself denied this information, claiming that the network near the Ukrainian peninsula was not operational before.