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Ukraine expects attacks to continue. Kyiv likely targets identified by military officials

Ukraine expects attacks to continue. Kyiv likely targets identified by military officials Photo: consequences of the Russian attack on Kyiv on September 2 (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Hostile attacks on Kyiv are expected to continue. Russian forces are trying to exhaust the air defense around the capital, target infrastructure, decision-making centers, and Western air defense systems.

This was stated by Mykhailo Shamanov, spokesperson for the Kyiv City Military Administration, in a comment to the RBC-Ukraine YouTube channel.

"Kyiv is a priority target for the enemy. They will use precious missiles, including against the capital. This includes cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and drones," said Shamanov.

He noted that based on recent attacks, these could involve both drone attacks and combined strikes.

"This is an attempt to exhaust the air defense around Kyiv, to hit infrastructure, decision-making centers, or Western air defense systems. We expect the attacks to continue. Therefore, I emphasize once again the importance of safety— the life and health of Ukrainians is our most important priority," added the spokesperson for the Kyiv City Military Administration.

Kyiv under attack: September 2

Russian forces once again targeted Kyiv last night. The enemy launched cruise missiles around 3 a.m. from the Saratov region of Russia.

In addition to the cruise missiles, the Russians also fired ballistic missiles and one strike drone at the capital and its suburbs.

Air defense forces managed to destroy over a dozen cruise missiles and about ten ballistic missiles, as well as the drone.

As a result of the night attack, debris was reported across all districts of the capital. Three people were injured.

According to Refat Chubarov, head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, the Islamic Cultural Center building was also damaged in the attack on Kyiv.